The club shares a fish hatchery / pen with Hershey Schools. At present time there is a total of five thousand fish (5,000) provided by the Pa. Fish and Boat Commission and regular checks are performed on our fish for gill lice. We have an assortment of species as well The responsibilities are shared by both organizations to feed and care for the fish.

Mid spring collectively, we stock our streams in our Dauphin and Lebanon Counties, Hershey Schools will stock twenty five hundred (2,500) in their designated streams as do the Quittapahilla Rod and Gun Club stocks twenty five hundred (2,500) trout in their streams. All regulated by the Pa. Fish and Boat Commission.

The fish pen at Hershey Schools will be replaced with a floating pen to house the trout. Hershey Schools invited representatives from our club to participate in a webinar with the contractor, and Hershey. A lot of great ideas came out of the meeting and our input was welcomed. We are excited for the upgrade.

We are always looking for volunteers to help in caring for the trout.